About Me

Thursday, November 17, 2016


        Currently, I am sitting in my hard chair in Mrs. Joyner's room thinking about what I am grateful for. When I was younger, I would say how i'm thankful for some pink barbie dolls or my playhouse, but thinking about it now that i'm older, I am realizing all of the more important things that I am grateful for.
  1. I am grateful for my mom-who never fails to make me happy, especially when she does little things that make me smile.
  2. I'm grateful for my dog-he always keeps me company, especially when I have no one to talk to, he's always there. :)
  3. I am thankful for I health-I am thankful that I can choose to eat whatever i'd like, and also be able to play any sport i'd like.
  4. I'm grateful for my phone-without my phone, I would be very bored. A lot.
  5. I'm grateful for my siblings-even though they can be very annoying at times, I love them dearly.
  6. I'm grateful for my home, especially my own room-if I had to share it with one of my brothers I don't know what i'd do.
  7. I'm grateful for all of my true friends-the ones that are there for me no matter what, especially my two best friends Jess and Alex.
  8. I'm grateful for my clothes-I'm grateful that I have so much clothes, especially my new pink one.
  9. I'm grateful for my teachers-they always help me when I'm confused, especially in Math and Spanish.
  10. And finally, I'm grateful for my life-I couldn't ask for a better one.

Friday, November 11, 2016



Spaghetti is one of my favorite meals, luckily it's easy to make!

  1.  The first step to making spaghetti is, get all of the ingredients and tools to make spaghetti. 
  • Spaghetti noodles
  • Tomato sauce
  • A Pot
  • A giant spoon
  • A stove
  • Salt
  • Meatballs
     2. The next step is , fill the pot up with water and put it on the stove, AND DON'T DROP IT!

     3. Thirdly, wait around 10 minutes and then put the noodles in the water, just don't drop them hard, make sure to drop them gently or else the boiling water will burn your hand. Possibly off.

     4. After placing the noodles into the pot, wait around ten minutes, BUT do not go read a book or watch TV, or else your kitchen may light on fire or slowly fill with boiling water. You NEED to stay by the spaghetti and stir it whenever the water starts overflowing.

     5. Finally, you're done! After stirring and waiting drain out the spaghetti, just put it on some plates with spaghetti and cheese, and don't forget the meatballs if you like them! Enjoy!